I will from today start following a new guideline when it comes to my posts. I figured out, that since every band goes through different phases, and since most of the bands tend to develope (or at least try to) I will dedicate a whole week to bands that represent me (their music is connected to different periods of my life). I will say a few words about each band, present their works and make my top 3 on each work. So this week starts off with my absolute top, Thrice.
Thrice was formed in 1998, and was founded by the childhood friends Dustin Kensrue and Teppei Teranishi. They started off as rock, or perhaps punk rock. I don't believe it matters what genre they belonged to, it was the beginning of a new era, Thrice would leave it's mark.
Playing with assymetric hard 2-step rythms and riffs remarkable for that time, they quickly won their fans' hearts. Their absolute first work was the self released EP First Impressions(1999). Two years later followed their first album, Identity Crisis.

Band Members
Dustin Kensrue
Teppei Teranishi
Eddie Breckenridge
Riley Breckenridge
Identity Crisis is with no doubt Thrice's first statement, they came and they would stay. And they still do. And guess what, this fall, they will release their 7th album! Anticipation? Hell yeah.
Anyway, I now present you my very top 3 from Identity Crisis, and hold on for more...