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We must open our wings.

Regarding the absolutely tragic loss of 3 lives due to violent actions during the general demostration yesterday, I must say that we've reached the bottom.
People get killed for what? Well it's definitely not in the name of freedom. In the name of money perhaps. I want to share my deep sorrow, to this three families, to their work colleagues, to their friends.
We should act like one fist, not like a duzzin, serving the profits and gains of various juggernauts and political parties. It's our future ffs. It's our childrens future. Our childrens' children future.
I used to be proud for beeing greek. I used to think that the ancient philosophy and perhaps the "seeking gene" of the ancient greeks still rests within us. It's time to turn towards other paths. It's time to get our sences together and act responsibly, logically and effectivelly. Because when the goal is just to put your foot down for one day, and especially when your goal is to put it down wearing the wrong shoes, people die.
Lets fly away, like daedalus once did but, we're gonna stay away from the sun. Thrice say it better than me.


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