Seriously. This is a post dedicated to everyone eating meat. You are idiots.Period. HAHA nee just kidding.
To the point. I am well aware of the cruel methods being used in the meat industry. I am also aware of all the starving kids in Africa (for you who actually use that as an argument)... Thing is that Im not quite sure, about my positioning when it comes to veganism or the "lighter" approach, vegeterianism. I mean, I do think that biologically whe are made to eat meat. But, on the other hand we also got a feature other creatures on mother earth don't have, it's called intelligence. (or at least that's what we think, since dolphins might be smarter than us)
Intelligence can be reflected in our capability of empathy, or else, objective feeling awareness.
What makes us human, makes us also animals. We might be on the highest level on the food chain, but that due to the capitalistic world and rotten system we live in. We produce more than me need. We want more than we need. As an answer to that a certain group of people (and im mostly talking about the western civilization which has meat and animalic products in it's "coucine") have chosen to not use it or even support the industry. They tend to call themselves vegeterians or when not eating anything from the animal- chain vegans.
My question is, why even labelize it? Why even put a name on your believes? I mean, I do respect different opinions and ways of living. I try not to critisize others when their lifestyle don't effect negatively third parts...But, I feel that in many cases, those people (and yes in the matter of this post I must segregate in groups) tend to act kinda....haughty... It's like, they feel that they are better than you for have chosen not to eat meat. And I describe it like not-eating-meat because, I think that when being against a certain industry you must be against it in all the ways you can. This presupposes of course intergrated and accurate knowledge...
No I do not believe that you fight for animal rights by turning down meat, but can happily eat a soya-burger at MCDonalds.
No, I do not believe that by eating just vegetables and still wearing clothes made in some child supported factory in China you make a difference.
No, I do not believe that if you eat soya meat and kebab and burgers and so on you will enpower your battle, since hey, guess how many hectars of rainforest get destroyed annualy for the sake of soya cultivation.
No you are not cool just because you are vegan and love to brag about it.
No you are not something special just because others eat meat.
Of course Its NOT my meaning to offend anyone who reads this and actually is a vegetarian or vegan. All Im trying to say is that I am tired of all this surface. I am tired of all this superficial statements, made by more and more people who actually don't give a shit and just care about their image.
I am sure that some of you might think, "and who are you to judge?" Well I just happen to be a girl with many concerns about stuff and I must confess that I tend to be cautious with all these movements.. Just look in history, read, learn, ask, and question. I bet that people doing that and are well aware of their choises, are not the ones who critisize and look down on others.
My conclusion? Make what ever you can for this world, take care of your health and if you do feel to share that way of living with others, do it with respect and with a notion of freedom in mind.
Peace out,