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Beatriz Carnicero
It's always nice discovering bands, especially when you have thrown yourself into less challening styles such as singer-song writer. Beatriz Carnicero is a punching your guts out grind/ powerviolence band from Uruguay. With their first 15 track album, No Reces, I do think that it's time for me to learn spanish.
For your God.
I follow the rules, and live by the book, and God as my witness, I will kill those not doing the same.
I follow his rules, and judge by the book, and God as my witness, I will damn those living in dishonour and sin.
I was taught to love, I was said to forgive, and God as my witness, I will harm those not loving and forgiving me.
For you who do not see, the true meaning of God, you are doomed to live in filth and punishment. Because, his love will only be given to those, following his words.
His "salvation" will only be given to those, acting in line with his crime
to love
the unloved
and to
the unarmed.
Because the man, who can not speak his own mind,
the man who is forced to leave his values behind,
due to the "freedom" given by your so called God, is the same man who,
unarmed and loved,
will write his own rules, and live by his own book.
Deftones- Leathers
A little feeling of White Pony?I think that in this song, you might hear a little bit of everything.. A dose, of Deftones many faces, from the 1997 Around the Fur, to Minerva.
However, the song Leathers might be more than great taste of what will follow after November 13th when their new album KOI NO YOKAN will be released.
Here you can hear and download ( only for a few days) Leathers, the third song of the upcoming album.
Summer Scenes
This summer has been more than giving musicwise. A 1,5 month trip to Sweden gave me plenty of opportunities for new shows and loads of new music accompanied with barrels of beer and great people. The experience started off 13th of July with amongst others Seeds in Barren Fields . Unluckily it was Friday 13th so the bands had to copy with some technical issues. But the spirit was there, and the result turned out pretty good..
A few days later, I had the wonderful timing of seeing 2 great bands. The norwegian dark in feeling black metal Okkultokrati and the great recent discovery (at least for me) of the stoner/ sludge/ metal triad, Black Tusk. I can say that the energy throughout the whole gig was amazing. Black Tusk closed the live by playing Crossroads and Thunder, which Ive concluded is my favourite song of their latest album Set the Trial. I also found out that they ve made a few splits lately, including a 7" split with Holy Mountain on No Idea Records. (who you should check out btw! )
After a light Swedish rainy summer weekend, followed another pleasant discovery of the swedish doom/ sludge band Pyramido. After Pyramidos great performance, which had enslaved the mind of the "crowd", it was Eyehategods turn. To be honest I was rather dissapointed, since it felt like they couldnt play as they should...perhaps, they had a few drinks more than they should.....
The climax came in the end of the trip to the Scandinavian centre, and that was during a city fest in Gothenburg. I am planning on writing a post pretty soon with all the details, but I can say that after seeing 7 seconds, Adolescents and Refused on Jazzhuset, I couldnt feel anything else but redemption. Here you have, at least for now, some pictures taken from lukinzine.
MONO- Dream Odyssey
From the title you might guess the emotion of this new released song by the japanese post-rock band MONO. This is surely a small taste of what their next double album For my parents, which btw will be released in one month, will sound like. Ive always had a thing for MONO. As if their japanese culture, gives a totally different signature to their music, you can actually connect to their "postrock" in a unique way. They tend to call themselves contemporary/ modern and classic musicians, and by listening to their 2 weeks old stream, I think theyve got all the right to do so.
Enjoy// Captain
Train Rail Playlist.
Travelling in the swedish woods, by train. Loads of time to kill, loads of music to listen to. I just wanted to share this one.
Enjoy, Captain.
TY Segall
It was a while, and I am glad to present to you the discovery of the month. Im not so sure about this artist's inspiration concerning the name (perhaps he is a great steven seagal fan), but his music surely sounds great.
With several solo albums and a diversity of splits in his pocket, TY Segall came to the surface of the music industry in 2008.
Influenced by a variety of bands from the 60s and 70s, such as The Stooges, ( I can also say that the distorted guitars and rythm sounds a little bit like the Detroit rocknroll MC5) he mixes it all up in a more modern and alternative kinda post- rock- glamish sound. I just love it.
Fortunately I came across his music (as the TY Segall Band though) by buying his freshly released album Slaughterhouse under In the Red Records.
Here you have a little taste of them. I hope you like it.
What goes around Comes Around.
I just love the feeling when a song describes exactly how you feel. It's like you've got a spokesman who screams out to the whole wide world how you feel and what you think. It is so helpful when you feel so overwhelmed, filled with consuming emotions that stand in the way for a logical expression. The words your mouth cannot speak, the feelings your brain cannot set in order, are reflected in just this one song, you listen to day in and day out, on repeat.
Keep up with all the lies, keep up with everything
Because no matter how hard you try everything will still be the same
You think you've got it all and you think that this is just a game
But it's going to hurt so bad when you wake up from your dream
You wasted everything
I can't believe i used to count on you
I can't believe that i believed you
Everything you stood for is now a joke
You've gotten away with it for now but it is not the end
What goes around comes around
I hope that's true i know it's true
It happens to everyone and i'll laugh at your face
When it happens to you
You're going against your own beliefs
Those are some beliefs if you can't live up to what you preach
You just proved, that you're a fucking fake
You wasted everything, You wasted everything
I can't believe i used to count on you
I can't believe that i believed you
Everything you stood for is now a joke
You've gotten away with it for now but it is not the end
You wasted everything, but it is not the end
I can't always say, what i want to
I can't always say, that's not right for you
And this time i won't open my mouth
You need to learn, from all the shit you've pulled
you're gonna feel real small when it comes back to you
It Comes back to Haunt you.
'Bitter Clarity, Uncommon Grace'
In less than a month, will Verse's new album "Bitter Clarity, Uncommon Grace" be released. Since Aggression, which I believe is their strongest album (also released through Bridge 9 Records) I think that we can expect much from them. I don't want to comment all that straight/ break edge decisions/ lifestyle, since it's not my interest to criticise those values, but I do hope that they will be "reviewed" fairily. Some of the songs have "leaked out" days ago, but you can pre-order the album on the Bridge 9.
Here you have the Selfless of the Earth, which was upstreamed on absolutepunk one month ago.
Grieved. Samaritans.
My next purchase will with no doubt be the new released fl album (by Anchors Aweight Records...Great label btw, since I "love" Miles Away...) Samaritans by the swedish Grieved. For you being in Sweden during Juli, they will have the release show on the 6th of July in Stockholm. So if you like the heavier sounds of hardcore, such as From Ashes Rise, Cursed even Tragedy, this is a plus to have.
Captain Shilly.
One mans ache is another mans cheer.
The sewers pumped, drenched with the blood
that runs from my thickened veins
I remember well
and stay awake, just to watch you sleep
when I'm dying down on my knees
I'll remember you well
I've lost all hope.
And I've nothing left.
There's nothing left.
I never said that this could be easy, I always wanted more respect for myself
I always said, I would be true to, the only one that stands by my side
I never said that this could be easy, I always wanted more respect for myself
I always knew that there would be silence, when I asked for you by my side.
"That, I think, is what optimism means: not denying the existence of suffering and heartbreak, but taking in both positive and negative experiences and then building from them the best future you can, whatever it may be."
Μανς μπεστ φριεντ
Σίγουρα διανύουμε δύσκολες εποχές. Τα οικονομικά μας πιέζουν όλους και η ψυχολογία των περισσοτέρων δεν είναι στα ανώτατα επίπεδα. Παρά όμως τα πρακτικά αυτά εμπόδια, ίσως δεν είναι τόσο κακή ιδέα μια υιοθεσία κατοικιδίου. Τί καλύτερο από το να γνωρίζεις ότι στο σπίτι θα σε περιμένει πάντα ο κολλητός σου φίλος. (πέρα του ότι πάντα θα μπορεί να αράζει μαζί σου όπου και να είσαι).
Η ελληνική φιλοζωική εταιρεία ιδρύθηκε το 1975 (από ξένους, τυχαίο;) και από τότε έχει συνδράμει σε μέγιστο βαθμό μέσω πολλών και διαφόρων δραστηριοτήτων. Παρέχει ιατρική περίθαλψη, έχει δίκτυο υιοθεσίας αδέσποτων ζώων, λειτουρεί ακόμη και ως ομάδα πίεσης σε δημόσια τμήματα και δομές. Μπορείς ως ιδιώτης να βοηθήσεις με πολλούς διαφορετικούς τρόπους, και ένας από αυτούς είναι η υιοθεσία. Προσωπικά αν δεν είχα τα σχέδια που έχω για το μέλλον θα υιοθετούσα ένα σκυλάκι αύριο κιόλας.
Θυμηθείτε όμως ότι το να έχεις σκύλο/ γάτα δεν είναι παιχνίδι. Είναι μια τεράστια ευθύνη, καθώς είσαι υπεύθυνος για μια ζωούλα. Δεν είναι μόνο να το ταϊζεις και να το βγάζεις βόλτα. Θέλει σωστή εκπαίδευση, μέριμνα, αγάπη και να διοχετεύεις σχεδόν όλη σου (αν όχι όλη) την ενέργειά σου σε αυτή την ψυχούλα. Επίσης, αν μένεις σε μια γκαρσονιέρα, στο υπόγειο κάπου στην Αθηνάς μην πάρεις μεγάλο σκύλο. Βασικά, κανονικά μην πάρεις καθόλου, κρίμα είναι, αλλά αν πρέπει ντε και καλά, ψάξε προσεχτικά για το προφίλ της κάθε ράτσας και την ενεργητικότητα που έχει. Μπορεί σε μέγεθος ένας σκύλος να είναι μικρός αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει αυτόματα ότι μπορείς να το έχεις κλεισμένο σπίτι και να μην βγαίνει να παίζει και να κοινωνικοποιείται. Αν σας ενδιαφέρει κοιτάξτε το παρακάτω link και σας εύχομαι να βρείτε αυτό που ψάχνετε.

Pretend that you are...
ΗΛΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΚΤΥΩΣΗ, (δεν λέμε συγκεκριμένα ονόματα...προσωποβιβλίο πχ.)
Swedish Playlist

One of the things I love the most whenever I come back home, is the fact that I tend to discover old, forgotten things. (you know like that diary you wrote in 5th grade when you were in love with your teacher)
This time, I discovered my very first mp3 player. I only got one word, NOSTALGIA. So I decided to make a little playlist from when captain was 18 years old.
Bands most played in the age of 18,
Against Me!
Counting Crows
Jack Johnson
On my not so recent trip to Berlin I bought some "souvenirs". One of them is from a german experimental kinda mathcore, very jazzy metal band called LIND. As I was going through the album Profoundly Felt Reality, which was independently released in 2007, it was getting clearer and clearer to me from where the band is influenced. It was a mix of Botch, Converge, Dillinger Escape Plan, well all those bands playing the more unpredictable sound. I could also say that they remind me of Number Twelve Looks Like You, a band I saw several years ago and was among my first contacts with this genre.

It was a long time ago that I listened to something new that gave me a feeling of relief afterwards. Aggressive screams /vocals, powerful guitars, explosions of sound from time to time and of course, electronic features. I would give this album a 3.5/5.
Check them out,
The waltz of the lost dreams.
A summer Tribute.
In the middle of winter and of course on a snowy day, the things a long for, are all connected to summer. Sun, warmth, vacation and happy faces. So I made a little summer list with songs I believe suit that perfect summer feeling.
True Love.
I will die alone and be left there.
Well I guess I'll just go home,
Oh God knows where.
Because death is just so full and man so small.
Well I'm scared of what's behind and what's before.
And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

Και εδώ είναι που φτάνεις στο σημείο για να αναλογιστείς. Υπάρχει κάποιο νόημα; Γιατί τα διαβάζω όλα αυτά; Αφού, ούτως ή άλλως, εγώ, αγρότισσα θέλω να γίνω. Δεν θέλω να ενπλουτίσω τις γνώσεις μου για να τις μεταμορφώσω σε πράξεις μέσα στον "επιχειρηματικό" κόσμο.. Ίσως γι'αυτό λέγεται Επιχείρηση, γιατί θέλει ισχυρό λέγειν, μία καλά οπλισμένη παρανοϊκή κοσμοθεωρία και ένα θρασύ χαρακτήρα για να πείσεις όλο τον κόσμο ότι αυτό που αντιπροσωπεύεις αναγωογονεί την Υφήλιο και δίνει αξία στη μίζερη ζωή σου.
Thank you.
Ανώνυμος Ον2
Bombay Bicycle Club
After doing some research about Chris Blackwell (a very interesting profile in the music industry by my opinion....) and his "baby" Island Records I discovered a great band, Bombay Bicycle Club. Funny thing is that just a few days after their discovery I found their second album Flaws, which is UK: Gold certified.
The guys started when being 15 and were called The Canals at first. But after being inspired by an indian restaurant in London they renamed their project to what it is today. They quickly won the industry's attention and released their first EP The boy I used to be on their own record label Mmm...Records. Their career headed off and by playing in many different festivals by the side of many well known bands such as Mumford and Sons they've managed to win the Best New Band award at the 2010 NME Awards.
One of my previous posts were about Foster, in which I commented the Twillight Saga..Well I guess that it comes back in the picture since their song How can you swallow so much sleep? from their first album I hade the blues but I shook them loose (2009) was included in the Twillight saga: Soundtrack release.... ( Gosh this saga is following me..Remember Alexander Desplat???) The Bombay Bicycle Club remind me very much of Mumford and sons, but has still a little Junip feeling in it. I definitely recommend them for a chill saturday morning..
Here you have their song "Jewel" from their album Flaws.
Enjoy, Captain
Seriously. This is a post dedicated to everyone eating meat. You are idiots.Period. HAHA nee just kidding.
To the point. I am well aware of the cruel methods being used in the meat industry. I am also aware of all the starving kids in Africa (for you who actually use that as an argument)... Thing is that Im not quite sure, about my positioning when it comes to veganism or the "lighter" approach, vegeterianism. I mean, I do think that biologically whe are made to eat meat. But, on the other hand we also got a feature other creatures on mother earth don't have, it's called intelligence. (or at least that's what we think, since dolphins might be smarter than us)
Intelligence can be reflected in our capability of empathy, or else, objective feeling awareness.
What makes us human, makes us also animals. We might be on the highest level on the food chain, but that due to the capitalistic world and rotten system we live in. We produce more than me need. We want more than we need. As an answer to that a certain group of people (and im mostly talking about the western civilization which has meat and animalic products in it's "coucine") have chosen to not use it or even support the industry. They tend to call themselves vegeterians or when not eating anything from the animal- chain vegans.
My question is, why even labelize it? Why even put a name on your believes? I mean, I do respect different opinions and ways of living. I try not to critisize others when their lifestyle don't effect negatively third parts...But, I feel that in many cases, those people (and yes in the matter of this post I must segregate in groups) tend to act kinda....haughty... It's like, they feel that they are better than you for have chosen not to eat meat. And I describe it like not-eating-meat because, I think that when being against a certain industry you must be against it in all the ways you can. This presupposes of course intergrated and accurate knowledge...
No I do not believe that you fight for animal rights by turning down meat, but can happily eat a soya-burger at MCDonalds.
No, I do not believe that by eating just vegetables and still wearing clothes made in some child supported factory in China you make a difference.
No, I do not believe that if you eat soya meat and kebab and burgers and so on you will enpower your battle, since hey, guess how many hectars of rainforest get destroyed annualy for the sake of soya cultivation.
No you are not cool just because you are vegan and love to brag about it.
No you are not something special just because others eat meat.
Of course Its NOT my meaning to offend anyone who reads this and actually is a vegetarian or vegan. All Im trying to say is that I am tired of all this surface. I am tired of all this superficial statements, made by more and more people who actually don't give a shit and just care about their image.
I am sure that some of you might think, "and who are you to judge?" Well I just happen to be a girl with many concerns about stuff and I must confess that I tend to be cautious with all these movements.. Just look in history, read, learn, ask, and question. I bet that people doing that and are well aware of their choises, are not the ones who critisize and look down on others.
My conclusion? Make what ever you can for this world, take care of your health and if you do feel to share that way of living with others, do it with respect and with a notion of freedom in mind.
Peace out,
Second Hand Rating
A few weeks ago I bought some CD's from the ordinary second hand kinda vintage store ala music. Amongst others I bought an amusing "This is Punk" medley CD. Like a little collection. (Released from a dutch communication firm?) Anyways...To my surprise, when I opened it today, I saw that the previous owner had rated the songs. And the most interesting part is that I agree with him/her.
You can see the stars and how many stars stand for how good a song/band is. I liked the idea, so next time I will drop some stuff off, I'll first make sure I've also left my mark on them....

Anyways, here you have the according to the previous-this-is-punk-cd-owner, the absolute super nr. 1 song of the collection.
Enjoy, captain
You can see the stars and how many stars stand for how good a song/band is. I liked the idea, so next time I will drop some stuff off, I'll first make sure I've also left my mark on them....

Anyways, here you have the according to the previous-this-is-punk-cd-owner, the absolute super nr. 1 song of the collection.
Enjoy, captain
I lay you down, to see what's there
behind the surface, in your heart of despair .
The feeling's burning the guts inside,
there is no space for leaving, no place to hide.
Touch of air, behind my ears,
your voice whispers away my fears.
A moment of lust, undernearth ours masks,
will soon intrude. Our hearts's beating fast.
In rythm we dance along the way,
together till the end, of this passionplay.
You feel the fire, on the edge of no return,
tripping, losing thoughts and mind,no words will earn.
My feelings are though not ment to endure,
your pressure is painting my love to a blur,
an image of grey feelings in mist.
I'm tired of hoping, but it's hard to resist.
╚→ Captain §hilly ←╝
Έχω φτάσει στο σημείο να χάνω κάθε ελπίδα για τον άνθρωπο. Όντας άνθρωπος , θεωρώ, πρέπει να χαρακτηρίζεσαι από αίσθημα αλληλεγύης, σεβασμού, συμπόνοιας. Δεν τα βλέπω όμως γύρω μου. Με στενοχωρεί το γεγονός ότι ακόμα και ο μικρόκοσμός μου έχει διαβρωθεί από αυτή τη βρωμιά της κοινωνίας. Κανένα ίχνος σεβασμού. 
Η επικράτηση του ατομικού συμφέροντος, έχει οδηγήσει το κοινωνικό μου περιβάλλον σε μια μυωπική στάση και συμπεριφορά ως προς τις ανθρώπινες σχέσεις. Πού πήγε η ειλικρίνεια; Τα ειλικρινά αισθήματα, δίχως επιπολαιότητα και εκμετάλλευση καταστάσεων. "Σεβάσου με", "Αγάπησέ με". "Κατανόησέ με". Δεν θέλει προσπάθεια, γιατί τότε χαλάς την αγνότητα των πράξεων. Προϋποθέτει μόνο μια παιδεία. Θέλει, να έχει προηγηθεί μια διαδικασία ανάπτυξης της αντίστοιχης κουλτούρας. Κουλτούρα αγάπης. Παιδεία σεβασμού. Θέλει μετάνοια. Κοινωνική, καθολική και προ πάντων οικιοθελή μετάνοια. Κουράστηκα να αντιστέκομαι. Δεν θέλω να καταπιέζω το σεβασμό μου και το αίσθημα αλληλεγύης μου επειδή πιστεύω ότι δεν το "αξίζουν". Αυτοί, όχι εμείς.Εσύ, όχι εγώ. Είμαι ένας από αυτούς; Μήπως απλώς ζω έναν ρόλο; Κοροϊδεύω τον εαυτό μου; Δεν θέλω να πιστέψω κάτι τέτοιο. Είναι όμως εφικτό; Πραγματικότητα ή αντίληψη;Πώς να καλυτερέψω τον κόσμο μου, όταν πρώτα απ' όλα δεν γνώριζω πώς να βελτιώσω τον αντιληπτό μου εαυτό;

Η επικράτηση του ατομικού συμφέροντος, έχει οδηγήσει το κοινωνικό μου περιβάλλον σε μια μυωπική στάση και συμπεριφορά ως προς τις ανθρώπινες σχέσεις. Πού πήγε η ειλικρίνεια; Τα ειλικρινά αισθήματα, δίχως επιπολαιότητα και εκμετάλλευση καταστάσεων. "Σεβάσου με", "Αγάπησέ με". "Κατανόησέ με". Δεν θέλει προσπάθεια, γιατί τότε χαλάς την αγνότητα των πράξεων. Προϋποθέτει μόνο μια παιδεία. Θέλει, να έχει προηγηθεί μια διαδικασία ανάπτυξης της αντίστοιχης κουλτούρας. Κουλτούρα αγάπης. Παιδεία σεβασμού. Θέλει μετάνοια. Κοινωνική, καθολική και προ πάντων οικιοθελή μετάνοια. Κουράστηκα να αντιστέκομαι. Δεν θέλω να καταπιέζω το σεβασμό μου και το αίσθημα αλληλεγύης μου επειδή πιστεύω ότι δεν το "αξίζουν". Αυτοί, όχι εμείς.Εσύ, όχι εγώ. Είμαι ένας από αυτούς; Μήπως απλώς ζω έναν ρόλο; Κοροϊδεύω τον εαυτό μου; Δεν θέλω να πιστέψω κάτι τέτοιο. Είναι όμως εφικτό; Πραγματικότητα ή αντίληψη;Πώς να καλυτερέψω τον κόσμο μου, όταν πρώτα απ' όλα δεν γνώριζω πώς να βελτιώσω τον αντιληπτό μου εαυτό;
Marcus Foster

When I first heard him I seriously thought it was Dustin Kensrue from Thrice, but with a more melow and melancholic tint. Marcus Foster released his first full lenght album Nameless Path just a few months ago. It's a rather folkish album with alot of piano, strings and romantic lyrics.
Foster is a rather artistic person, studying sculpture at the Royal College of Art. As I read since he's got a good social circle, he managed to promote his song I was broken by asking his friend Kristen Stewart to play the main role in the music video. (Kristen is that girl from the Twillight "torture"..haha yes we all have the right to express our opinions...)
Anyway, Here you have the video from I was broken, and listen to Don't need to lose you to know, I don't think I'm the only one comfussing him with mr Kensrue.
Don't need to lose you to know
Enjoy, Captain
Ανώνυμος Ον 1
2012 wishes
I do not hope for a better year. I do not hope for a brighter tomorrow. I do not hope for a happier 2012. I just wish I do get the chanse to fully live every moment for what it is. And not just me, everyone.
I sometimes wish I could see things from another view. Unfortunately I can't. But this is where my most precious persons come in act. And this is what I wish for. My wish to all of you, is that you all get to keep those beloved persons in your life. Persons you can rely on, persons you trust. Persons you can be yourself with, persons you feel safe with. Persons that warm your heart when it feels cold, persons you want to love. We shall not underestimate the effects of loneliness, it can turn the warmest heart into stone.
Remember, sometimes, we must read between the lines.
The Milk Carton Kids - Maybe It's Time
A Fine Frenzy- Come on Come out
Bright Eyes- Lua
Johnny Cash - You Are My Sunshine
Chris Bathgate - Silly One
Counting Crows - Colorblind
The golden Silvers- Magic touch
I am covered in skin
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside
I am folded, and unfolded, and unfolding
I sometimes wish I could see things from another view. Unfortunately I can't. But this is where my most precious persons come in act. And this is what I wish for. My wish to all of you, is that you all get to keep those beloved persons in your life. Persons you can rely on, persons you trust. Persons you can be yourself with, persons you feel safe with. Persons that warm your heart when it feels cold, persons you want to love. We shall not underestimate the effects of loneliness, it can turn the warmest heart into stone.
The Milk Carton Kids - Maybe It's Time
A Fine Frenzy- Come on Come out
Bright Eyes- Lua
Johnny Cash - You Are My Sunshine
Chris Bathgate - Silly One
Counting Crows - Colorblind
The golden Silvers- Magic touch
I am covered in skin
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside
I am folded, and unfolded, and unfolding
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